Muzeum Dr. Bohuslava Horáka Rokycany - Katalog Clavius
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Grundlegen , ISBD , Zitation , MARC21


Titel :The I-chang Formation and the Ichangian fauna / Singwu C. Hsu - C.T. Ma
Hauptautor :Verweis auf Deteils Hsu, Singwu C.
Subsequent responsibility :Verweis auf Deteils Ma, C.T.
Umfang : S.1-51, : 7 PLs. tbl.
UDC :56
In : Contributions from the Institute of the Geology of the National University. -- Peking. 1948, No. 8. 1947, No.27
Note :separát
Citováno jako : HSU, Singwu C. - MA, C.T. The I-chang Formation and the Ichangian...Contr. Geol. Inst. Nat. Univ. (Peking). 1948, No. 8, S.1-51, 7 Pls., tbl.
Kl.slova :Dendrograptidae - Acanthograptidae - Agnostidae - Creoicephalidae - Dikelocephalidae - Asaphidae - Taihungshanidae - Cystoidea - Brachiopoda - Pelecypoda
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